Holiday Greetings!

“I love this picture, not only because it features my handsome kitties, Mr. Rigby and Mr. Finnegan, but it also highlights some of my beloved grandfather's art.

Peace on Earth, Goodwill to Men: these beautiful banners were one of my grandpa's special gifts to my family, and hung in my childhood home throughout the holiday season all my years growing up on Juniper Street.

I was thrilled when my mother reproduced a set for me, and until this year, they've been some of the only touches of Christmas I've displayed in my home.

This year, my first Christmas tree in so many years I cannot count, it's a joy to see them displayed next to our sweet tree, especially after such a long, difficult year.

Today it occurred to me that Juniper Street's mission of inspiring peace, goodwill, and joy is not a seasonal one alone, but a year-round hope for what my own art can offer the world, and that I hope to further my grandpa's legacy of making the world a more beautiful and peaceful place.”

~Tavia Gilbert, founder Juniper Street Photography


A Bold Declaration!


Giving Tuesday - Transforming Communities & the World